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Docker Images Generated by the DCS

The DCS consists of several docker images.

The images are automatically built and pushed to our container registry whenever a change is pushed to the main branch of the DCS repository.

Below is a list of the images and their respective pipelines.

helm/globaldcc:x.y.zgdcc_helm_chart_ciThis image contains the helm charts for the DCS components. See also Helm Charts.
globaldcc:api-x.y.zgdcc_api_ciThis image contains Api Server.
globaldcc:backend-x.y.zgdcc_backend_ciThis image contains Backend Server.
globaldcc:roadnet-manager-x.y.zgdcc_roadnet_manager_ciThis image contains Roadnet Manager Server.
globaldcc:docs-x.y.zgdcc_docs_ciThis image contains this docusarus site.
globaldcc:dbup-x.y.zgdcc_dbup_ciThis image contains the scripts to generate the cache database.